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Ace your online meetings: Talk like a pro with native English speakers

For many non-native English speakers, communicating effectively in English can be a challenge. While you may have strong language skills, the speed at which native English speakers talk, combined with regional slang and idiomatic expressions, can make online meetings and calls daunting. However, with a bit of practice and some helpful strategies, you can confidently navigate these challenges and ace your meetings with any native English speaker. 

Know you accent:
Many non-native English speakers have their own accent which makes it difficult for them to pronounce the English words accurately. The short term goal for them should be to overcome this and speak in a neutral accent. 

Understanding the speed of native English speakers:
One of the biggest hurdles for non-native speakers is the speed at which native English speakers talk. Americans, in particular, are known for speaking quickly, and this can be overwhelming, especially in professional settings. 

Here are some tips to help you keep up with the speed
1. Practice Active Listening
Focus on the speaker's key points rather than trying to understand every single word. Context is crucial, and often you can deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words from the surrounding conversation.

2. Ask for clarification:
Don't hesitate to politely ask the speaker to slow down or repeat something if you didn't catch it. Phrases like "could you please repeat that?" or "I didn't catch that last part, could you say it again?" are perfectly acceptable and show that you are engaged in the conversation. 

3. Use Technology to your advantage:
Many video conferencing tools offer features like live captions or transcription services, which can help you follow the conversation in real-time. You can record meetings (with permission) to review later if you missed something. 

4. Replace your screen time with TV shows / Podcasts.
The more you expose yourself to fast English, the better you will become at understanding it. Try watching TV shows, listening to podcasts or watching reality shows for fast and interactive English. 

5. Learn common linking words:
Many native English speakers do not pronounce every single word when they speak, they tend to combine words or pronounce them partially in order to maintain the speed. For example, "I am going to study now" is pronounced as "I-yam-gonna-study-now"  (or) "What do you mean" becomes "Wa-dyu-mean"

These common linking words will be really useful when you speak to a native English speaker. These can be learnt from TV shows / reality shows / speaking to a native speaker.

Decoding Slang and Idiomatic Expressions
Another challenge when working with any native English speaking client is the frequent use of slang and idiomatic expressions. These phrases often don't translate directly and can leave you scratching your head. Understanding some of the most common slang terms and idioms will go a long way in helping you feel more comfortable in conversations. 

Here are a few examples:
1. "Hit the ground running" - To start something and proceed quickly and effectively.
       (As soon as the CEO approved, the entire office hit the ground running)
2. "Ballpark figure" - An estimate or rough calculation.
    (The management was given a ballpark figure at the very beginning of the presentation)
3. "In a nutshell" - Briefly or in summary.
   (As the new CEO, Mr X told us in a nutshell that he is planning for expansion).
4. "Touch base" - To make brief contact or check in with someone. 
    (Let's touch base tomorrow to finalize the details)
5. "On the same page" - To be in agreement or to have the same understanding. 
    (I want to make sure we're all on the same page before we move forward)
6. "In the loop" - To be informed or included in a specific process or communication. 
    (Let's keep Vijay in the loop of this project)
7. "Put it on the back burner" - To delay or postpone something to focus on more urgent matters. 
    (We'll have to put that idea on the back burner until we finish the current project)
8. "Bite off more than you can chew" - To take on more responsibilities than one can handle. 
    (I think we might be biting off more than we can chew with this new client)
9. "Cut to the chase" - To get to the point or focus on the important part of the discussion. 
    (Let's cut to the chase - what's the status of the project?)
10. "Hit the nail on the head" - To say or do exactly the right thing. 
    (You really hit the nail on the head with this suggestion)
11. "Take it offline" - To continue a discussion privately or outside the current meeting. 
    (We can take that offline and discuss it after the meeting)
12. "Get the ball rolling" - To start a process or initiate action. 
    (We need to get the ball rolling on this new initiative).
13. "Across the board" - Applying to all areas or aspects of something. 
    (We need to make improvements across the board, not just in one department). 
14. "The elephant in the room" - An obvious issue that no one wants to discuss. 
    (We can't ignore the elephant in the room - how do we address the underutilization issue)
15. "Burn the midnight oil" - To work late into the night. 
    (We'll need to burn the midnight oil to meet this deadline)
16. "On the back foot" - To be at a disadvantage or defensive position. 
    (We're on the back foot after that client feedback; we need to act quickly)
17. "Go the extra mile" - To put in extra effort or do more than what is expected. 
    (We need to go the extra mile to win this contract)
18. "In the driver's seat" - To be in control or in a position of authority. 
    (You're in the driver's seat for this project, so it's your call)
19. "Move the needle" - To make a significant impact or change. 
    (We need to find strategies that will really move the needle on our revenue)

Understanding these idiomatic expressions will help you follow and participate in conversations with native English speakers more effectively. 

Tips to ace your online meetings with the clients:
1. Prepare thoroughly:
Before the meeting, make sure you are familiar with the agenda and any key points that will be discussed. This preparation help you stay focused and feel more confident during the conversation.

2. Ensure the systems and tools are working fine:
Make sure to check your microphone, camera, internet, background and your agenda before the meeting. Be more proactive to let the audience know in case there is any technical glitch that you are facing. 

3. Maintain clear communication:
Remember as you are trying to understand your client, even they try to understand you. So maintain clear communication with right pronunciation and speed. Try to avoid jargon and use simple English. 

4. Engage in Small Talk:
Small talk is an integral part of communication, it is often used to build rapport at the beginning of the meetings. Be prepared to discuss light topics like weather, weekend plans, or recent news. This will help you connect with your clients on personal level. 
Caution: Do not over do it, avoid political or religious discussion, consider the client's interest.

5. Use visual aids
Always share screen if you are referring to some documents or want to show some presentation. 

6. Follow up in writing:
Always send a follow-up email summarizing the key points discussed. This not only shows professionalism but also ensures that everyone is on the same page, and it provides you with an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings. 

Remember, communication is a two-way street, and your clients want to understand you just as much as you want to understand them. With the right strategies and a little practice, you'll be able to navigate the linguistic nuances of working with native English speakers and build strong, effective relationships with your clients.


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