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Maximize Your Mornings - A key for your daily productivity

Quotes like "early bird catches the worm", and "lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it" always made me think, if waking up early, really makes a difference in my life. But trust me, it does. In this era, where we struggle for productivity, success, and recognition, using the early mornings effectively is the key. Mornings set the tone for the rest of your day, so why not, make the most of them? If you are like someone who hate to wake up early (don't worry, even I've been there), here's how you can turn your mornings into a powerhouse of productivity and success. 

1. Start the Night Before:

Preparation is the Key. Don't just roll into your morning without any plan. You can list out your things to do, set your cloths right or plan for the day that night for the next day. 

2. Ditch the Snooze Button:

Challenge yourself to wake up at the first alarm. This is difficult I know, but trust me, it works. If you are determined, and decide that you want to wake up to the first alarm, you can easily achieve it. You can try keeping your alarm/phone in the next room just to keep yourself away from hitting the snooze button. 

3. Freshen up - First thing in the morning:

Drink water to hydrate your body and brain. This even makes you fresh. A healthy outside starts from the inside.

4. Exercise:

I know it is easier said than done. Trust me, even I paid fitness club membership fee, without using it. I had even purchased a top notch fitness watch just to motivate myself that I will start working out. Nothing helped me until, I started making consistent efforts. I recently started working out at least for 10 minutes on the days when I was busy. With this consistency, I am exercising for 45 minutes on weekends. 

5. Eat right:

Don't skip breakfast and punish your gut. I heard your gut is your second brain. Opt for a healthy meal, it fuels your body.   

6. Set clear intentions for the day:

I see many prepare To-Do list (even I did) which end up just the list on paper. Instead of that if we set clear intentions by listing out the practical tasks that you wish to and will be completing that day. 

7. Be Thankful:

I start my day with Bhagavad Gita. I read couple of sloka's every day. I thank and appreciate God for this life and the best things that have happened to me and the great learnings that he has given me. A simple prayer will also be fine, but take a moment to appreciate for what you have got. 

8. Avoid social media:

Don't jump into social media right after waking up, it will eat up your mornings. Instead work on the list above. I remember a great quote by Stephen Covey, where he says; " The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities".

9. Be Happy:

Don't start your day by being serious or dull. Blast your favorite playlist, dance or just be happy. 

10. Reflect & Improve:

This is the most important thing that I have always followed and taught my students, friends and family members. "Always reflect and improve". Take a moment and learn from your mistakes, appreciate the good things and improve. I remember another great quote here (I don't remember the author) "Your today should be better than your yesterday"

Remember, your mornings don't have to be perfect - they just have to work for you. And hey, if things don't go as planned one morning, there's always tomorrow. Waking up early and following the above steps helped me a lot. I bet, it would help you too. 

Share your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share it to your friends/people whom you care. 


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